Tuesday, February 9, 2016

His Light in the Dark by L.A. Fiore

Book Description

My first memory was of a slap, hard across the face: the sting on my cheek and the jarring of my bones as I slammed back into my bed. It was my dad who had hit me.

I had been four.

Most of my memories were much of the same and no one ever saw, no one ever fought to help, no one ever cared.

Then we moved.

My new neighbor cared, rescued the twelve-year-old I had been from a beating. Always thought I'd suffer the nightmare alone, I was wrong.

Mace Donati saved me that day in all the ways a person could be saved.

And his daughter, Mia, she became the friend I had always wanted, my conscience when my own faltered, the light that led me home when I had lost my way.

The girl who grew into the only woman I would ever love.

But when you realize you're more like your father than the good people who took you in and gave you a home, the only way to return their kindness is to let them go.

I let them go, got so far lost in the shadows I couldn't remember who I was anymore. Mia never gave up on me. She fought for me, kept the light on so I'd find my way back.

And when I did, life threw us a curveball. I had to hurt Mia in order to save her.

But when my past comes back to haunt me and I almost lose her, I'm ready to fight for her...fight to find a way back into her heart while keeping the demons from my past from finishing what they started.

Cole Campbell

AVAILABLE: February 9, 2016

L.A. Fiore is fast becoming one of my ALL-TIME FAVORITE AUTHORS!!! Omg.  Her writing takes you on a journey through her book.  Her books make you laugh, cry, angry, broken-hearted, and in the end, grateful for her writing.  Everytime.  His Light in the Darkness left me with a MAJOR book hangover in the best possible way.  

When we first meet Mia is seven and Cole is twelve.  It is during these years that sets the foundation for the book and their growing relationship.  Both of them only have their father's; their mother's abandoning them YEARS ago.  But that is where their similarities end.  

Cole's father is a nasty, abusive drunk.  While Mia's father is everything a child could want in a father, man, and role model.  Mace Donati.  Mia's father.  Ugh.  LOVED THAT MAN!! The way he took in a broken Cole and showed him how a MAN treats a child (and people in general) made me want to give this man a Nobel Peace Prize.  No joke.  I thought his relationship with Cole was just as important and as big as a part as Cole and Mia's relationship.

While there are times where you literally want to slap the crap out of Cole, you (at least I did) fully understand his motives for keeping his distance from Mia.  And poor Mia, she just didn't understand how and why Cole kept his distance when she KNEW he had feelings for her.  But she doesn't want to give up on the damaged boy that stole her heart all those years ago.

There is no easy way to review this book (for me).  You HAVE to read it to understand that this book is SO MUCH MORE than what the book description tells you.  So. Much. MORE.

Rating: 5+++ out of 5

**I received an ARC through Netgalley in exchange for a honest review.**

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